Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A Dark God Rises......

Here I have produced an entirely new acrylics piece.
This is my first painting , or picture , of one of the Dark Gods.
The two Orbs on the picture , are other manifestations of the demonic. The whole picture , has 4 Orbs.
Notice the black , oil like substance which comes from his darkest essence......
He has recently torn someone apart , killed someone.
And there is nothing human about him.
He´s pointing to you , because he knows you.
And at that moment , you become terrified.....
If you compare him with the reptilians depicted in books like The David Icke Guide to the Global Conspiracy , you´ll notice instantly there is something more evil , and truly sinister , about this being.
There is hardly any name there is available in any or most human languages on Earth , to define such a being , because they are , ultimately , beyound organization.
You can imagine and invent and create ´reptilians´and use them to define your good or bad luck - but that is merely escapism......that is not following your heart´s desire , or stepping away from the herd.
You must really want to step away from the herd , to no longer be part of it - and stand alone , or join some other herd , or lead........or do whatever it is which will please you and make you grow.
This is what people do to each other every day on Earth , and what animals do in Nature with each other , to survive - kill , or be killed , eat , or be eaten.
Now the official explanation for why , is ´because the Matrix is so evil it allows this to happen´.
That´s not true.
Strife , struggle , are the very essence of life , the very essence of being!
Without strife , without struggle , without something to learn from - there is no evolution!
I and my friend who are currently the founders of our band , had some discussion on whether it´d be better to present this picture here.
I have a very dark , twisted , and sinister fantasy life.
The kind of beings and manifestations which take place there , are , like life itself , just that - pictures.
Most people don´t like life to be a picture , or pictures.
If they want a simple explanation of that , they can watch the Shining TV. Miniseries , where ´the holographic nature of reality´is explained thoroughly.
I am not entirely finished with my picture - but almost.
And you can bet - yes , this is a truly disturbing picture.
Because it presents before you , nothing but darkness itself - like so many other famous works of ONA initiates , and sponsors - but here , like in all the other cases , hopefully in some particular sense - which may make the artist strike the viewers of his work.
Where I am currently residing - at a nice place by the sea , in the relatively quiet ´city´Reykjavik , most people except one very special person have viewed this picture with a sense of dread , and fear.
They don´t wish to admit that they feel that when they´re looking at the three - eyed entity , or being , they feel so drawn to his eyes , that they disappear.
But that was precicely the idea!
I put the Shugara symbol to the left - but , somehow the farthest part of the symbol to the left , didn´t appear on the photo of the picture , so I will see if I can fix that and send another.
Some people find something particularly disturbing about my art - they feel that the darkest corners of what I do , will give them nightmares - that is precicely what dark corners do!
Most people want life to be simple , as opposed to hard.
Most people don´t want there to be a military.
Most people want peace to let them waste their lives instead of living them to their fullest potential.
Because the real meaning for what peace actually is - is strife.
What is the official explanation of Heaven?
It is a banana skin!
It is , that Heaven is a place for nourishment , which solely belongs to Man , and perhaps ´a few other intelligent beings the biblical god must also have created´.
But the truth is , reality , and fantasy , know no limits.
For surely , if there is a ´god´, she must be female........
And if that is the case , the the bosom of nature must have some feminine qualities , as well as some masculine......
To someone who is so ignorant they will want heaven to be a peaceful place , all that can be said is , that heaven is as violent , as reality itself is - provided there is any ´heaven´, since it must be so , if that is in fact , the case - which is not my business here , to take that seriously.
´Heaven´is just an English word to me which can be used , to present a particular state of existence with a meaning......just a word.
A ´temporary state of being´, just like death.
Just like life , and thus like strife.
We live , we die.
We´re born , we live.
Yet the death of each one of us , is an act of culling.
The world we live in is a violent struggle , and so must any ´heaven´be , because to continue to exist , a violent struggle is required.......
And so , some of my art , is violent , brutal , evil and truly sinister , and often with absolutely no sense of comfort - and in this case.
Some people have reported that they felt a choking sensation when viewing some of my pictures - while others fell in love of them......
But , ultimately - they´re just pictures....
People want to go to Disneyland when they die - I tell them , good luck then - cause they won´t find any......after all there´s just one Disneyland and there cannot possibly be two!
To me , the Dark Gods are to be questioned , as anything , and everyone else.......

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